Priority panels
Priority panels for compressor stations are used where two or more compressors. Through panels optimize the operation of the compressor. In certain settings, each of the compressors can operate for more than one consumer. The panels can be filled manually or automatically switch.
Example: K1 and K2 are compressors installed at one place. They are related with one common for both of the compressors priority panel. K1 and K2 are filling a transportable group of bottles with of high volume – 2400 m3. During the work at the object arrives another consumer of gas – car. K1 remains to work for the cylinder group and K2 transferred power to the light automobile. After loading the car K1 continues to work for the cylinder group. When the transportable group of bottles is filled K1 and K2 transfer their work to the fixed bottle group located within the compressor station. Filling and its volume, K1 and K2 stop. K1 and K2 resumes work at a pressure drop in a stationary bottle group, lowering the pressure in them to the preset parameters.
Through those priority panels the number of the working compressors has been reduced thus optimizing their work and utility.