Gasification of “BIO Prophex” Ltd., Gorna Malina
Gasification plant for production of biofuels property of “bio Prophex” Ltd – address Gorna Malina municipality, Sofia was designed in 2008 by “ITEM Engineering” JSC. The gas plant was built in March 2009 by “Gastec BG” Ltd and put into operation in May 2009. Owners realize 30% savings and all environmental standards for pollution are observed. Steam needed for technological process is secured by two pieces of boilers type PCN-4 powered burners of “Spartacus” – city of Burgaz, with a maximum consumption 880nm ³ / h. The base is located in a non-gasified and gas is supplied by bottle groups property of “Metamodul” Ltd., designed and made by “Gastec BG” LTD. Gas regulating panels (2 in number) were developed by the team of “Gastec BG” LTD are made in the service based on “Gastec BG” LTD premises. The regulating panels are designed to reduce pressure from 220 to 4 [bar] up to 400 nm ³ / h each.