Gasification of the milk processing enterprise
Gasification of the milk processing enterprise of “Balkan special” Ltd, address: Gorna Malina municipality, Sofia was designed in September 2009 by “GastecBG” LTD. The gas plant was built in November 2009 of “GAS BG” Ltd. and put into operation in December 2009. A serious economic impact has been achieved and savings realized around 30%.
The working steam boiler is type PCN-1, powered by a burner of RIELLO company, RS70 type with a maximum consumption 80 nm ³ / h. The base is located in a non-gasified area and gas is supplied by bottle groups property of “Metamodul” Ltd., designed and made by “Gastec BG” LTD. Gas regulating panels were also developed by a team of “Gastec BG” Ltd. and are designed to reduce pressure from 220 to 4 [bar] up to 100nm ³ / h.